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Wildflower Identification Walk

By June 18, 2024August 12th, 2024Events
A view across Longrun Meadow grassland with wildflowers in purple and yellow colours

Saturday 22nd June 2024, starting at 10.30am – finishing at 12.30pm.

Join us for a wildflower identification walk around Longrun Meadow, taking in the highlights with ‘botanical recorders’ Simon Leach and Steve Parker.

We will take a slow amble around the meadow, keeping a list of what we see, using field guides and ID keys, maybe taking photos of our finds, enabling us to distinguish between each species we find and its lookalikes!

What exciting plants and wildflowers will you find?

Booking is ESSENTIAL – email:

Only 15 spaces available. Families welcome, not suitable for dogs.

Event if FREE of charge, however donations to Longrun Meadow on the day are welcome.

Meet at The Willow Cathedral

What3Words location: change.wedge.barn