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By October 22, 2020December 14th, 2022Community

It’s almost time for the 2020 coppice work to get under way. Here’s what you can expect over the next week or so.

Probably starting on the 26th of October, Adam will begin cutting the second coups. This means, just like last year, a section of willow and a section of hazel will be cut, leaving only stumps. If you look at the areas cut last year, you will see that they regrow rapidly.

Most of this cutting will be done with a chainsaw, so it will be noisier in Cathedral Field for a bit. The area being cut will be clearly marked, so don’t cross any barriers and make sure dogs are kept well away from the work.

Coppicing is a traditional way of managing woodland. As well as producing wood, the cut opens up the canopy, allowing the under-storey to grow and providing another habitat for wildlife.

To protect the stumps, a dead hedge will be built around them. This provides nesting, hiding and foraging spaces for birds and other small animals.