As I browsed in the field margins and rougher grass areas looking for bumble bees my eye was drawn to all the different seed heads which are so prominent. Long elegant grasses, prickly burrs and teasels, spreading hogweed, dark tangled docks and messy ragwort heads. All of them are full of seeds which form an important part of a hedgerow bird’s diet. The finches – goldfinch, chaffinch, bullfinch – in particular have sturdy bills which allow them to crush the husk of the seed to expose the nutritious inner kernel.
The ditch between Oak Barn and Buttercup fields has been sculpted out, hazel hurdles placed across and finally damp-loving plants will be dug in near the base . All of these works are to slow the water flow and prevent impurities flowing into the River Tone. This work is part of The SPONGE Project being led by West Country Rivers Trust.
A date for your diary. A Taunton wide litter pick will take place on Tuesday 13 th November . We aim to do a pick in the afternoon starting at 2pm from the Oak Barn – all hands welcome.