NEW DATES: August 14th – 17th, 2018
Volunteer opportunity – Help improve your river for fish!
The Westcountry Rivers Trust with support from the Somerset Wildlife Trust and the Friends of Longrun Meadow will be undertaking fish habitat improvements to the River Tone at Longrun meadow. Healthy fish populations are often a good sign of a well-balanced river ecosystem, which means a greater diversity of wildlife in general. Our work aims to improve this as well as providing habitats for other species.
We will be felling and cutting trees on site and using the materials to build in stream features for the Variety of fish species present and during the day we will discuss fish and the river itself more in detail.
Why are we doing this? We have undertaken a number of fisheries surveys and the evidence has suggested we improve the habitats using woody debris. This can be created in a way to benefit the fish, wildlife and the river.
What we aim to achieve? A variety of wooded structures that provide sanctuary, clean spawning sites and result in more natural river ecology. This work will also compliment any flood risk works.
When and when do we meet? We will meet at 10am every morning (14th – 17th August 2018) at Longrun meadow by the benches and sluice gate (map below). Here will run through the Health and safety aspects and then walk to the river.
You are welcome to simply arrive and join on the day that suits you or for all four days! If you can’t make 10am, then please come and find us and introduce yourself!
How long do I stay?
You can stay as long as you wish, any help will be appreciated. We will be working from 10am – 5pm daily.
What do I bring?
Sun cream
Insect repellent
A sun hat
Suitable clothing and footwear for the conditions
Lunch and drinks
Wellington boots
Waders if you have them!